Masashi Sugimoto, Ryunosuke Uchida, Haruka Matsufuji, Shinji Tsuzuki, Hitoshi Yoshimura, Kentarou Kurashige, Mikio Deguchi, ``An Experimental Study for Development of Multi-Objective Deep Q-Network -In Case of Behavior Algorithm for Resident Tracking Robot System-'', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Electronics and Software Science ICESS2020, pp.7-16, Dec. 2020, Japan.
Sosuke Kondo, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Self-generation of reward based on sensor value -Improving reward accuracy by associating multiple sensors using Hebb’s rule-'', 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.1886-1892, 1-4 Dec., 2020, Canberra, Australia, DOI:10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308455, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2547-3, USB ISBN:978-1-7281-2546-6, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2548-0.
Takuma Kambayashi, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Autonomous decision making by the self-generated priority under multi-task'', 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.1879-1885, 1-4 Dec., 2020, Canberra, Australia, DOI:10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308486, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2547-3, USB ISBN:978-1-7281-2546-6, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2548-0.
Afiqe Anuar bin Muhammad Nor Hakim, Koudai Fukuzawa, Kentaro Kurashige, ``Proposal of Time-based evaluation for Universal Sensor Evaluation Index in Self-generation of Reward'', 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp.1161-1166, 11-14 Oct., 2020, Toronto, Canada, DOI:10.1109/SMC42975.2020.9283227, Electronic ISSN: 2577-1655, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 1062-922X, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8527-9, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8526-2.
Masashi Sugimoto, Ryunosuke Uchida, Shinji Tsuzuki, Hitoshi Sori, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kentaro Kurashige, Shiro Urushihara, ``An Experimental Study for Tracking Ability of Deep Q-Network under the Multi-Objective Behaviour using a Mobile Robot with LiDAR'',Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing(ICBICC 2020), Oct. 9-11, 2020, Tokyo, Japan.
Kentarou Kurashige, Setsuo Tsuruta, Eriko Sakurai, Yoshitaka Sakurai, Rainer Knauf, Ernesto Damiani, Andrea Kutics, ``Robotized Counselor and Evaluation using Linguistic and Detection of Feeling and Polarity Change'', 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp.961-966, Dec. 6-9, 2019, Xiamen, China.
Yuya Shimoguchi, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Decision making on robot with multi-task using deep reinforcement learning for each task'', 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), pp.3440-3445, Oct. 6-9, 2019, Bari, Italy.
Masaya Ishizuka, Kentaro Kurashige,``Self-Generation of Reward by Inputs from Multi Sensors -Integration of Evaluations for Inputs to Avoid Danger-'', 2018 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(2018 MHS), pp.133-138, Dec. 9-10 2018, Nagoya, Japan.
Kentarou Kurashige, Setsuo Tsuruta, Eriko Sakurai, Yoshitaka Sakurai, Rainer Knauf, Ernesto Damiani, Andrea Kutics, ``Counseling Robot Implementation and Evaluation'', 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp.1716-1722, Dec. 7-10, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, DOI:10.1109/SMC.2018.00297, ISSN:1062-922X.
Yuya Shimoguchi, Seiya Shirakura, Kentarou Kurashige,``Action selection of robot by human intention estimated with dynamic evaluation criterion'', Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SSCI 2018,pp.1785-1792, 2018, BENGALURU, INDIA.
Masaya Ishizuka, Satoshi Ogata, Kentarou Kurashige,``The Proposal of Self-Generation of Reward by the Universal Evaluations of Sensor Input from Human -Improvement of the Universal Evaluation with SVR-'',The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (IWACIII2017), pp.1-6, Nov.2-5, 2017, Beijing, P.R.China
Takuya Masaki, Kentarou Kurashige,``Action selection using priority for each task -Realization of effective processing by dynamical update of priority-'', Proceedings of 2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision & 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology(ICIEV-ISCMHT),1-3 Sep. 2017, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan, ISBN xplore compliant:978-1-5386-1023-7, ISBN usb:978-1-5386-1021-3, ISBN print:978-1-5386-1022-0
Masashi Sugimoto, Naoya Iwamoto, Robert Johnston, Keizo Kanazawa, Yukinori Misaki, Kentarou Kurashige,``A Study for effectiveness of Dimensionality Reduction for State-action Pair Prediction –Training set reduction using Tendency–'',Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2017),pp.19-28, Aug.1-4, 2017, Takamatsu, Japan
Takuya Masaki, Kentarou Kurashige,``Action selection using each task priority:Realization of asynchrony action selection and update priorities'',
2016 Joint 8th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 2016 17th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems,pp.908-911,Aug. 25-28,2016,Sapporo, Hokkaido, DOI:10.1109/SCIS\&ISIS.2016.39
Yoh TAKADA, Kentarou KURASHIGE,``Action Learning to Single Robot Using MARL with Repeated Consultation: Realization of Repeated Consultation Interruption for the Adaptation to Environmental Change'', Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Proceedings, Part II, 371-382, Aug. 22-24, 2016, Tokyo, Japan, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43518-3, ISBN:978-3-319-43518-3, ISSN:1611-3349
Masashi SUGIMOTO, Kentarou KURASHIGE,``A Study on the Deciding an Action Based on the Future Probabilistic Distribution'', Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Proceedings, Part II, 383-394, Aug. 22-24, 2016, Tokyo, Japan, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-43518-3, ISBN:978-3-319-43518-3, ISSN:1611-3349
Takuya Masaki, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Effective action selection under multi task by ignoring tasks and limiting tasks'', Proceedings of World Automation Congress 2016, ID:1570248406, July 31-August 4, 2016 (Japanese Satellite Session: Aug.6-7), Puerto Rico (Japanese Satellite Session: Himeji, Japan)
Yukiko Yamamoto, Tetsuo Shinozaki, Setsuo Tsuruta, Kentarou Kurashige, Rainer Knauf, ``Nodding Behavioral Context Respectful Counseling Agent'', Proceedings of World Automation Congress 2016, ID:1570277693, July 31-August 4, 2016 (Japanese Satellite Session: Aug.6-7), Puerto Rico (Japanese Satellite Session: Himeji, Japan)
Shuhei Chiba, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Action Learning to single robot using MAS -A proposal of Agents action decision method based repeated consultation-'', Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference(ASCC2015), pp.1570081643, May 31 -June 3, 2015, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Masashi Sugimoto, Kentarou Kurashige, ``The Proposal for Real-time Sequential-decision for Optimal Action using Flexible-weight Coefficient based on the State-Action Pair'', 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2015), pp.544-551, 25TH-28TH May, 2015, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan
Kentarou Kurashige, Kaoru Nikaido, ``Teaching a series of actions by the universal evaluations of each sensory information'', 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2015), pp.2341-2346, 25TH-28TH May, 2015, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan
Kentarou Kurashige, Kaoru Nikaido, ``Self-generation of reward in reinforcement learning by universal rules of interaction with the external environment'', 2014 IEEE Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space Proceedings, pp.92-97, Dec. 9-12, 2014, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Masashi Sugimoto, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Real-time Sequentially Decision for Optimal Action using Prediction of the State-Action Pair'', Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, pp.199-204, Nov.9-12, 2014, Nagoya, Japan
Kentarou Kurashige, Kaoru Nikaido, ``Self-Generation of reward by moderate-based index in reinforcement learning'', The International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 2014(IWACIII2014), IWACIII2014-03, Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2014, Fukui, Japan
Nodoka Shibuya, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Control of exploration and exploitation using information content'', The Nineteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2014 (AROB 19th 2014), pp.48-51, Jan. 22-24, 2014, B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Japan
Kaoru Nikaido, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Self-Generation of Reward by Sensor Input in Reinforcement Learning'', 2013 Second International Conference on Robot, Vision and Signal Processing, pp.270-273, Dec. 9-12, 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan, 978-1-4799-3184-2/13,10.1109/RVSP.2013.67
Masashi Sugimoto, Kentarou Kurashige, ``The Proposal for Deciding Effective Action using Prediction of Internal Robot State Based on Internal State and Action'', Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, pp.221-226, Nov.10-13, 2013, Nagoya, Japan
Masashi Sugimoto, Kentarou Kurashige, ``The Proposal for Prediction of Internal Robot State Based on Internal State and Action'', Proc. of IWACIII2013 CD-ROM, SS1-2, October 18-21, 2013, Shanghai, China
Hironori Miura, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Proposal of learning method which selects objectives based on the state'', 2013 IEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space at 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence(RiiSS at SSCI), pp.119-124, 15-19 April 2013, Singapore
Yasutaka Kishima, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Reduction of state space on reinforcement learning by sensor selection'', Proceedings of 2012 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MSH2012 & Micro-Nano Global COE), pp.138-143, Nov. 4-7, 2012, Nagoya, Japan
Yoshiki Miyazaki, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Estimate of current state based on experience in POMDP for Reinforcement Learning'', Proceedings of the seventeenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 17th '12), pp.1135-1138, Jan. 19-21, 2012, B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, JAPAN
Yasutaka Kishima, Kentarou Kurashige, Toshinobu Numata, ``Reduction of learning space by making a choice of sensor information'', Proceedings of the seventeenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 17th '12), pp.971-974, Jan. 19-21, 2012, B-Con Plaza, Beppu, Oita, JAPAN
Naoki Kitayama, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Proposal of method ”Motion Space” to express movement of the robot'', Proc. of IWACIII2011 CD-ROM, GS1-3, November 19-23, 2011, Suzhou, China (Best Presentation Award)
Nodoka Shibuya, Yoshiki Miyazaki, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Suggestion of Probabilistic Reward-Independent Knowledge for Dynamic Environment in Reinforcement Learning'', 2011 Int. Symp. on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science CD-ROM, pp.140-145, November 6-9, 2011, Nagoya, Japan
Yoshiki Miyazaki, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Use of reward - independent knowledge on reinforcement learning for dynamic environment'', Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems(ICACSIS 2010) pp.303-309, Bali, Indonesia, 20th - 23rd Nov. 2010
Yoshiki Miyazaki, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Use of the knowledge which is independence on reward in Reinforcement Learning'', Proc. of International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CD-ROM), pp.114-119, Daejeon, Korea, December 15-18, 2009
Yukiko Onoue, Kentarou Kurashige, ``A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ABILITY OF PERCEPTION AND LEARNING EFFICIENCY'', WAC 2008 Congress CD-ROM, IFMIP-521, Hawaii, USA, Sept. 28th - Oct. 2, 2008
Yasutaka Kishima, Kentarou Kurashige, ``Growth of individual intelligence using communication'', SCIS & ISIS 2008(CD), pp.287-292, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 17-21, 2008
Kentarou Kurashige, Yukiko Onoue, ``The robot learning by using "sense of pain"'', Proceedings of International Symposium on Humanized Systems 2007, pp.1-4, Muroran, Japan, Sept. 13-15, 2007
Kentarou Kurashige, ``A simple rule how to make a reward for learning with human interaction.'', Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp.202-205, Jacksonville, FL, USA, June 20-23, 2007
Shigeto Aramaki, Hiroshi Shirouzu, Kentarou Kurashige, Taketoshi Kinoshita, ``Control program structure of Humanoid Robot'', Proc. of Int. Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp.1796-1800, 2002.11
Kentarou Kurashige, Toshio Fukuda, Haruo Hoshino, ``Motion planning based on hierarchical knowledge for six legged locomotion robot'', Proc. of Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’99) pp.IV-924-IV-929, 1999.10
Kentarou Kurashige,Toshio Fukuda, Haruo Hoshino, ``Motion planning based on hierarchical knowledge using Genetic Programming'', Proc. of Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation(ICRA’99) pp.2464-2469, 1999.5